Newspeak: ambiguous euphemistic language used chiefly in political propaganda; designed to diminish range of thoughtIn the near future, you may be eating the next generation of genetically engineered (GE) foods, and you may not even be aware that you are eating them. In the law passed last year by congress to label and disclose genetically modified ingredients in hopes to inform consumers may not be of value. The new generation of crops, dubbed "gene-edited", are created using a technique that splices DNA at specific locations. Since this new experiment is not considered genetically modified, the new GE crops fall outside of the current regulations, therefore do not require labeling. The new gene edited crop technique has not been used to introduce foreign genes into plants, so far, as compared to the older methods of GE like CRISPR. This process of mixing species is called transgenesis. Catlyxt, a subsidiary of Cellectis experimenting with gene-edited crops, describes the technique like moving the cursor in a word processor to a specific location and making small changes to the text. This loophole offers an opportunity to the FDA to permit companies to roll out the new techniques. So far, acres of gene-edited crops have already been grown in the United States, without restriction or regulation. Primarily a biopharmaceutical company, Collectis creates gene-edited crops as a side business, after collaborating with behemoth companies like Monsanto and DuPont. Gene editing is not being limited to plants. Recombinetics, a Minnesota company, is editing the genes of farm animals to create cattle without horns. The organic food standards have been recommended to exclude gene-edited crops even if grown without pesticides by a USDA advisory board. ReferenceChang, K. (2017, January 10). These foods Aren’t genetically modified but they are “edited.” Science. Retrieved from
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October 2024