Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
This principle embodies the truth that everything is in constant motion. Whether this motion is perceivable is irrelevant, for this law affirms that everything vibrates, and that nothing is ever at rest. This fact, well-established by researchers, states that the higher the vibration, the higher the form or entity that exists within that particular frequency. Therefore, the vibrational connection between some of the grosser forms of matter, such as a rock, and a human being , is very great. Spirit has the highest vibrational frequency, vibrating at such a phenomenal speed that is seems to be at rest, just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. It is said that those practitioners of the Hermetic teaching who are able to grasp this principle will be able to, with the appropriate formulas, control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. In other words, he who understand the principle of vibration, has grasped the scepter of power.
Chandler, W. (1999). Ancient Future: The Teaching and Prophetic Wisdom of the Seven Hermetic Laws of Ancient Egypt. Atlanta, Georgia: Black Classic Press
Three Initiates. (1936). The Kybalion: The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Chicago, Ill.: The Yogi Publication Society
Three Initiates. (1936). The Kybalion: The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Chicago, Ill.: The Yogi Publication Society