SpaceX, also known as Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, is a private aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company - founded by Elon Musk in May of 2002. The first operation performed by SpaceX for the military began in May of 2017. SpaceX launched a satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), an agency that is a member of the United States Intelligence Community and the United States Department of Defense. The Intelligence Community is composed of the NRO, along with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), among other U.S. intelligence agencies. In August of 2017, SpaceX will transport the X-37B into orbit, one of the Pentagon's classified spy crafts. SpaceX has been offered to launch the craft largely due to the it's ability to cut costs. Launches starting at roughly $61 million, SpaceX has been able to undercut United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Space Systems and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. In addition to becoming a new military contractor, SpaceX also aids NASA in resupply missions to the International Space Station. SpaceX plans to fly astronauts to the ISS next year. Furthermore, SpaceX said it would also fly two private space tourists around the moon in 2018, although their identities or trip payments have not been disclosed. ReferencesBachman, Justin. (2017). Musk’s SpaceX Joins the Military. Retrieved 14 June 2017, from
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